Own your own website
The site which brought you here is part of a select portfolio of domain names which are now available to buy from a trusted domain name manager. For your peace of mind, all transactions are mediated by Sedo.com's professional escrow service and major credit cards are accepted. We also accept PayPal and Google Checkout.
With a simple, secure payment, you will receive the account username and password you need to take ownership of your own domain. Ownership of the domain and any site you choose to put on it is then permanently transferred to you. Whether you are seeking to establish a corporate website, create a go-to directory or build a personal site, the domain is yours to exploit to its full potential. Remember that buying a domain will entitle you to set up any number of email addresses ending in that domain name.
To make further enquiries, write now to assets@mynameonly.com. We are happy to answer any of your questions.